Check out our official Promo Video below!
Baja Tarmac Racing is a race organization dedicated to bringing top quality real paved road racing to Mexico's Baja Penninsula. Created by life long racing enthusiast, architect and entrepreneur Pedro Vargas - he and his hard working team of supporters now bring us THREE fantastic annual racing events.
The paved road to Mexico's National Observatory & Park is absolutely delightful and is our longest running event. We're privileged to be able to close a 30km (18 mile) section every October for two days of racing. Named the San Pedro Martir Hill Climb it has run every year since 2017, except for a Covid cancellation in 2020. This is now the Longest Hill Climb in the World and features flowing turns that start fast at the bottom and get tighter and slower as you climb.
In 2021 a 22km (10 miles) per laps road race circuit, in the spirit of the Isle of Man, was created just a few miles south of the US Border in Tecate, BC. Named the Baja International Tourist Cup it features high speeds and thrills. Fast motorcyles or cars can exceed 300kph (180mph) and average well over 200kph (120mph).
And new for 2025 we have the very enthusiastic support of the City of Loreto in Baja California Sur to run a 20km (9 mile) hill climb up the twisty mountain road to the San Javier Mission. Named the San Javier Hill Climb this will not be one to miss! This road is the most twisty and technical. Unlike most other hill climb and road race competitions we allow more than just cars to compete. In fact motorcycles are currently our largest class of competitors. We also allow quads, side cars and custom built specials. Our goal is maximum fun and enjoyment with a mind towards safety and clean competition. Want plenty more details about real road racing in Baja? Please click the button below.
Please click below to watch a great video review of the hill climb that was made in 2021 by our Obsession Engineering team competitors from the United Kingdom. It gives you a good feel for the event. Plenty more videos are on YouTube or Facebook if you search for "San Pedro Martir Hill Climb".
Another great video review from the UK based Obession Engineering Team. Eric Wilson ended up setting the lap record that still stands to this day! Crazy Fast! Very entertaining.
Baja Tarmac Racing is a lady racer friendly environment. In fact, the 2025 season saw lady racers take 1st place in TWO of the six Baja International Tourist Cup classes:
Click below for a Promo Video featuring Bridgette LeBer
We make it super easy to race with us. Click below to see events and register.